Saturday, March 23, 2013

Danny Brown

Danny Brown is a multimedia designer, artist and programmer born in Liverpool in 1977. Daniel has a very good grasp with flash and html coding, with this and his love for design it is not surprising that he focuses on interactive multimedia. He has been recognised since 1999 as one of the top internet designers. Like most of the web designers of his era he got his inspiration from his video games he played as a child which would explain why his work it witty and full of humour.
I really like the images of the butterfly, I like how they still have the movement in the wings and the blur adds an interesting twist as most people like to have clean crisp images. The colours of the reds/yellows and oranges contract with the pale blue background. I also like how the images are shown in greyscale as well as colour, even though I prefer the colour images. I think in the future I would look at his work again as I’m interesting in doing multimedia and expanding on what I already know about coding.


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