Monday, March 18, 2013

Yugo Nakamura

Yugo Nakamura was born in japan and is today considered the leading web designers of japan. He likes to ad humor into the work he creates and likes to create his work using his hands which explains the amount of interactivity his work involves for the users. In 2007 he won the Tokyo Interactive Ad Awards.
I like the interactivity that the features offer as it is little touches such as the moving colour boarders which will make the website popular and will therefore make people return to the page to see if there is anything else new to play with that has been added. I also like how there are noises as it adds another dimension to it and stops it being flat. With the clay work I like how it still looks rough and not as perfect as the other work as it makes it seem more real, I have always been interested in web design and the coding behind the features on pages and I’m glad I have had the chance to look through Yugo Nakamuras work.
See more of Yugo Nakamuras work


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